Exercise for Your Inspiration

Once more, here is a new writing prompt meant to inspire a story. Focus on the character, situation or location and choose a path from there. For an additional challenge, try switching narrator half-way through.

Write about a well-meaning person taking a stand on a plane.

But just use whatever works for you in the prompt. If this inspired you please do share your thoughts.

New Creative Writing Prompt to Pen

It’s time for a fresh writing prompt for all you writers out there. Focus on the character, situation or location and choose a path from there. You can try to make it as intense as possible.

Write about an animal encountering a monster as hope runs out.

Remember, let the action take you where it wants to go. And while we’re at it please do share your thoughts.

Writing Exercise Posted!

Get ready for a new writing prompt to draw inspiration from. Expand on the scene that’s presented and let the action unfold naturally. To add a twist, use an all knowing narrator.

Write about someone with a language barrier keeping a promise in the face of disaster.

As always, don’t overthink it, just write. If you enjoyed this prompt share what you got out of this writing prompt.

Creative Writing Prompt to Write Out

Prepare yourself for a new writing prompt for you to expand on. Find a common thread in the prompt and move the story forwards from there. You can play with the reader’s preconceptions.

Write about a young woman facing an ultimatum in a foreign city.

As always, save editing for after you’re done. If you want, tell your friends about it too.