Story Idea to Complete!

Prepare yourself for a new writing prompt to seek inspiration from. Expand on the scene that’s presented and let the action unfold naturally. For extra credit, leave it on a cliffhanger.

Write about a thrill seeking person trying to impress someone in the blink of an eye.

Personalize it and don’t listen to the inner critic while writing. If you feel inspired please do share your thoughts.

Experiment for Your Inspiration

Prepare yourself for a new writing prompt for all you writers out there. Build a story from this prompt and let your words flow. For extra credit, avoid using any dialogue.

Write about someone with ulterior motives breaking a cycle or pattern while traveling fast.

Again, this is just for fun,. Should you feel so inclined, share your story or feedback in the comments.

Writing Prompt Available

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt for you to expand on. Let the provided outline be a guide and see where it takes you. Also, add a supernatural element to the story.

Write about someone with ulterior motives encountering a monster in an alternate timeline.

Personalize it and save editing for after you’re done. If you want, give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

New Story Prompt Available

Here is a new writing prompt to turn into a story. Go from where the prompt takes you and let your words flow. If you feel up for it, incorporate a jump in time.

Write about a practically minded person fighting for survival at a cemetary.

But ignore what doesn’t work for you. If you enjoy this kind of thing tell us what you think in a comment.