Experiment to Flesh Out!

This is a writing prompt for you to try. Think of the prompt as a starting point and examine the consequences. To make things more interesting switch between characters.

Write about an old man trying to do their job as the world is ending.

And it’s supposed to be fun. If you thought this was interesting, please do share your thoughts.

Fiction Prompt to Flesh Out

Come get a fresh, new writing prompt to draw inspiration from. Pick one or more elements from the outline and don’t edit as you go. To mix things up, describe only what the main character senses.

Write about a collector of something making a career move in the woods.

Remember, it’s supposed to be fun. If you want, please leave a comment with your feedback.

Story Posted!

It’s time for a fresh writing prompt for you to find the story in. Let the combination of elements guide you and examine the character’s motivation. If you feel like it, switch between characters.

Write about a sociopath hiding when everything goes horribly wrong.

Again, it’s supposed to be fun. If you feel up for it tell your friends about it too.

Story Idea for Your Inspiration

It’s time for a fresh writing prompt for all you writers out there. Find your focus in the character or situation and try to surprise yourself. Do leave it on a cliffhanger.

Write about a collector of something sharing a secret on the Internet.

Make it your own and it’s supposed to be fun. If you like this prompt tell us what you got out of the exercise.