Creative Writing Prompt to Inspire You

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt to be interpreted by you. Find your focus in the character or situation and go from there. As a twist, you could write it as a haiku.

Write about a scarred person facing off against an old enemy in a crowd of people.

But write freely, and don’t worry about editing. If you enjoyed this prompt give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

Creative Prompt to Hone Your Skills On

Check out the newest creative writing prompt to challenge your writing skills. Let the outline be your starting point and fill in the blanks. You could also write it as a movie script.

Write about an intoxicated person getting in an accident in a basement.

As always, don’t censor yourself when doing writing exercises. If you thought this was interesting, tell your friends about it too.

Writing Prompt Posted!

It’s time for a fresh writing prompt to turn into a story. Start with what the prompt gives you and steer it towards a conclusion. You could also change locations at least once.

Write about a young woman stealing something on a beach.

As always, don’t censor yourself when doing writing exercises. If this inspired you please leave a comment with your feedback.

New Story to Pen!

Here is another writing prompt meant to train your storytelling skills. Build on the scene that is presented and consider what happens next. For an additional challenge, switch between characters.

Write about a soldier trying to sell something at a resort.

Please ignore what doesn’t work for you. Do share suggestions and please share your take in the comments.