Writing Experiment to Attempt

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt to get your inspiration flowing.. Let the outline be your starting point and consider what happens next. To give it a twist, write it in third person.

Write about a young woman stealing something in the wilderness.

Make it your own and just use whatever works for you in the prompt. If you enjoy this kind of thing tell us what you got out of the exercise.

Story Outline Available!

Check out this creative writing prompt meant to tickle your inspiration. Let free association guide you and examine the consequences. As an additional twist switch between characters.

Write about an intoxicated person pondering a mystery at a cafe.

Please keep in mind that it’s all about experimenting. If you thought this was interesting, share your story or feedback in the comments.

Prompt Posted!

Time for a brand new creative writing exercise meant to inspire a story. Think of the prompt as a starting point and fill in the blanks. To make things more interesting change locations at least once.

Write about a practically minded person hiding on a sidewalk.

Again, let your imagination run wild. If you dare, you can also find us on twitter, as @wrimuse.

Exercise to Tackle!

Get creative with a story prompt for you to interpret. Start with what the prompt gives you and choose a path from there. Also, write it as a letter.

Write about a scorned lover encountering a monster with someone innocent in tow.

Personalize it and keep in mind that it’s all about experimenting. If you like this prompt share what you got out of this writing prompt.