Fiction Prompt Available

Once again, it’s time for a writing prompt to turn into a story. Let the provided outline be a guide and try to hook your reader in. You could also change locations at least once.

Write about a well-meaning person trying to sell something when a threat appears.

Personalize it and don’t worry about whether it will turn out good. If you enjoyed this prompt give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

Prompt Exercise for You!

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt as a storytelling exercise. Expand on the scene that pops into your head and add details to flesh it out. To give it a twist, turn a stereotype upside down.

Write about a public servant committing a crime in an old house.

Remember, remember the length does not matter here. If you feel inspired give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

Writing Experiment to Flesh Out

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt to train your writing on. Expand on the scene that pops into your head and move the story forwards from there. As a twist, you could leave the reader guessing at the end.

Write about some kind of extremist trying to impress someone in a small city apartment.

Finally, don’t overthink it, just write. Do share suggestions and tell your friends about it too.

Story to Flesh Out!

Here is another writing prompt for you to try. Think of the prompt as a starting point and make it relateable. To make things more interesting include an action sequence.

Write about a wannabe or poser confessing to something at a cemetary.

Again, write freely, and don’t worry about editing. If this made you want to write please leave a comment with your feedback.