Writing Exercise for You

Here comes a new creative writing prompt to be interpreted by you. Decipher the elements provided and fill in the blanks. If you feel up for it, write it in a lighthearted tone.

Write about a genius looking for clues to a mystery while at work.

Please don’t listen to the inner critic while writing. If you feel inspired please do share your thoughts.

Experiment to Flesh Out!

Here is a new writing prompt to get inspired by. Build on the prompt elements and consider what happens next. For an additional challenge, avoid using any adjectives.

Write about an over-achiever facing an ultimatum as the world is ending.

Make it your own and just use whatever works for you in the prompt. Should you feel so inclined, please leave a comment with your feedback.

New Writing Exercise to Inspire You

A new writing prompt for all you writers out there. Find a focus point in the prompt and go from there. As a twist, you could describe only what the main character senses.

Write about someone desperate to start a family facing off against an old enemy in a foreign city.

As always, this is just for fun,. If you want, you can also find us on twitter, as @wrimuse.

New Story Idea to Kill Writer’s Block

New creative writing exercise to be interpreted by you. Let free association guide you and move the story forwards from there. For an additional restraint, include an action sequence.

Write about an old man looking for something or someone underwater.

Remember, don’t overthink it, just write. If this made you want to write give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).