Story Outline to Attempt

Here is a brand new writing prompt meant to get your inspiration flowing. Pick what appeals to you the most in the prompt and make it relateable. As a twist, you could write it as song lyrics.

Write about a thrill seeking person breaking a promise underwater.

Finally, remember there really are no rules in writing. If this made you want to write you can also find us on twitter, as @wrimuse.

Writing Prompt to Flesh Out

This is a writing prompt to draw inspiration from. Expand on the scene that’s presented and see where it takes you. As an additional twist write it in a lighthearted tone.

Write about a young woman making a mistake during a performance of some sort.

Write it your way and just use whatever works for you in the prompt. If you like this prompt share your story or feedback in the comments.

New Exercise Posted!

A new writing prompt to strengthen your writing skills on. Expand on the scene that’s presented and write it out. To mix things up, avoid using any dialogue.

Write about an intuitive person spinning tall tales on a tight deadline.

But add your own twists and turns. If you like this prompt share what you got out of this writing prompt.

Exercise for Your Inspiration

Once more, here is a new writing prompt meant to inspire a story. Focus on the character, situation or location and choose a path from there. For an additional challenge, try switching narrator half-way through.

Write about a well-meaning person taking a stand on a plane.

But just use whatever works for you in the prompt. If this inspired you please do share your thoughts.