Creative Writing Prompt for You

Get ready for a new writing prompt for you to interpret. Find a focus point in the prompt and consider what happens next. You could also try switching narrator half-way through.

Write about yourself trying to impress someone while on the road.

As always, remember there is no wrong way to interpret a writing prompt. Should you feel so inclined, share what you got out of this writing prompt.

New Experiment to Write Out

Come get a fresh, new writing prompt as a storytelling exercise. Build on the scene that is presented and examine the character’s motivation. To take it a step further, write it as a movie script.

Write about someone with nothing to lose sharing a secret as the world is ending.

But this is just for fun,. If you like this prompt you can also find us on twitter, as @wrimuse.

Story Outline to Attempt

Here comes a new creative writing prompt to get inspired by. Build on the prompt elements and try to surprise yourself. To add a twist, avoid using any adjectives.

Write about a pessimistic person experiencing death in a small town.

As always, don’t worry about impressing anyone with your writing here. If you feel inspired make sure you check out the WriMuse app for iOS (link in the sidebar).

Story Idea to Flesh Out

Once again, it’s time for a writing prompt for you to try. Let free association guide you and try to surprise yourself. As a twist, you could try to make it as intense as possible.

Write about an eternal optimist keeping a promise on a ship.

As always, remember there really are no rules in writing. If you dare, please leave a comment with your feedback.