Writing Exercise for Your Imagination

Here is a new writing prompt to dive into. Build on the scene that is presented and just keep writing. As an additional twist write it as a letter.

Write about a well-meaning person discovering love in the wilderness.

But write freely, and don’t worry about editing. If you enjoyed this prompt please leave a comment with your feedback.

Story Prompt for You to Do

Check out the newest creative writing prompt to challenge your writing skills. Start with what the prompt gives you and let the action unfold naturally. Furthermore, incorporate a jump in time.

Write about a thrill seeking person breaking a promise during an intimate moment.

As always, this is just for fun,. If this made you want to write tell us what you think in a comment.

Story Idea to Attempt!

It’s time for a fresh writing prompt to ignite a story idea. Build on the scene that is presented and steer it towards a conclusion. To add a twist, use an all knowing narrator.

Write about someone with a language barrier facing off against an old enemy at a cemetary.

And let the action take you where it wants to go. If you enjoyed this prompt share what you got out of this writing prompt.

Writing Experiment to Complete

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt to challenge your writing skills. Expand on the scene that pops into your head and steer it towards a conclusion. For extra credit, write it as a haiku.

Write about a young man hatching a plan during some kind of interview.

And this is just for fun,. If you like this prompt please share your take in the comments.