Writing Prompt to Conquer

Here comes a writing prompt to draw inspiration from. Build a scene in your head and go from there and steer it towards a conclusion. If you feel up for it, include a flashback.

Write about a child fixing something while at work.

And this is just for fun,. If you like this prompt tell us what you think in a comment.

New Prompt to Complete!

Here comes a new creative writing prompt meant to get your inspiration flowing. Let the provided outline be a guide and see where it takes you. To mix things up, incorporate a jump in time.

Write about a coward getting in a fight somewhere underground.

As always, write freely, and don’t worry about editing. If you like this prompt share your story or feedback in the comments.

Exercise to Pen!

Here is a new story prompt for you to try. Build a story from this prompt and let one word take the next. Furthermore, write it as a haiku.

Write about an investigator experiencing death on their birthday.

As always, let your imagination run wild. If you dare, share your take on the prompt.

Story to Tackle!

Here comes a writing prompt for you to try. Go from where the prompt takes you and let one word take the next. You could even write it all as a first person narrative.

Write about some kind of extremist breaking a promise at a party.

Remember, you are only bound by the rules you set for yourself. If you feel up for it tell us what you think in a comment.