Prompt for You to Do!

It’s time for another writing prompt to dive into. Pick the first scene that comes to mind and choose a path from there. You can make it into a dream sequence.

Write about a middleaged woman facing off against an old enemy after much careful planning.

Please let the action take you where it wants to go. If you enjoy this kind of thing give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

New Story Outline for Your Inspiration

Time for a brand new creative writing exercise to strengthen your writing skills on. Expand on the scene that pops into your head and let one word take the next. To give it a twist, describe only what the main character senses.

Write about a practically minded person trying to sell something at a convention.

Personalize it and don’t worry about whether it will turn out good. If you want, please leave a comment with your feedback.

Story Prompt to Hone Your Skills On

Get creative with a story prompt meant to tickle your inspiration. Decipher the elements provided and try to surprise yourself. Maybe add a supernatural element to the story.

Write about a crude person looking for something or someone in a foreign city.

As always, don’t worry about whether it will turn out good. Do share suggestions and please share your take in the comments.

Writing Prompt for You!

Time for a brand new creative writing exercise to ignite a story idea. Build a scene in your head and go from there and add details to flesh it out. Also, describe only what the main character senses.

Write about an introvert trying to impress someone on the Internet.

Please don’t worry about impressing anyone with your writing here. And while we’re at it please do share your thoughts.