Prompt Exercise to Pen!

Here is a brand new writing prompt to be interpreted by you. Decipher the elements provided and try to hook your reader in. To make things more interesting avoid using any adjectives.

Write about a public servant sharing a secret during a natural disaster.

And let your imagination run wild. If you feel up for it please leave a comment with your feedback.

Experiment to Attempt!

Come get a fresh, new writing prompt for you to sharpen your writing skills on. Look for a theme in the prompt and let the action unfold naturally. Also, write it as a haiku.

Write about a middeaged man facing off against an old enemy in an old house.

And don’t listen to the inner critic while writing. If you dare, share your story or feedback in the comments.

New Fiction Prompt for Your Inspiration

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt for you to sharpen your writing skills on. Let the provided outline be a guide and let it play out as you write. Do try switching narrator half-way through.

Write about a ghost or spirit getting in a fight at a public event.

Please you are only bound by the rules you set for yourself. If you like this prompt we’d love it if you share your thoughts in a comment.

Creative Prompt Posted!

Here is a new writing prompt to sharpen your storytelling skills on. Build on the scene that is presented and steer it towards a conclusion. If you feel up for it, write it as a haiku.

Write about a naive person witnessing a crime somewhere underground.

Make it your own and add your own twists and turns. If you enjoyed this prompt share your story or feedback in the comments.