Prompt for Your Consideration

Here is another creative writing prompt meant to tickle your inspiration. Write out your take on this exercise and let the action unfold naturally. If you feel up for it, change perspective at some point.

Write about a polite person being the victim of a crime on a beach.

Make it your own and remember there really are no rules in writing. If you dare, give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

New Exercise to Tackle!

Here comes a writing prompt meant to inspire a story. Expand on the scene that pops into your head and make it relateable. You could also play with the reader’s preconceptions.

Write about a crude person trying to hide something at a funeral.

Write it your way and keep in mind that it’s all about experimenting. If this made you want to write we’d love it if you share your thoughts in a comment.

Story Prompt for Your Inspiration

Time for a brand new creative writing exercise to challenge your writing skills. Let the combination of elements guide you and go from there. To mix things up, avoid using any dialogue.

Write about a rebellious youth taking a stand before time runs out.

Write it your way and let the action take you where it wants to go. If this made you want to write please do share your thoughts.

New Writing Exercise to Flesh Out

It’s time for another writing prompt meant to train your storytelling skills. Pick what appeals to you the most in the prompt and steer it towards a conclusion. Do introduce an important prop into the scene.

Write about a wannabe or poser witnessing a crime in the bathroom.

Please don’t listen to the inner critic while writing. If you thought this was interesting, please do share your thoughts.