Story to Combat Writer’s Block

It’s time for another writing prompt for you to base a story on. Let the outline be your starting point and fill in the blanks. Also, try switching narrator half-way through.

Write about yourself feeling exposed in an old house.

But don’t be too critical of yourself when doing an exercise. And while we’re at it give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

Creative Writing Prompt for Your Consideration

Flex your writing muscle with a story prompt to ignite a story idea. Decipher the elements provided and try to twist it a bit. You could also write it in third person.

Write about an animal getting in an accident when everything goes horribly wrong.

But save editing for after you’re done. If you enjoyed this prompt share your take on the prompt.

Experiment for You!

Here is a fresh creative writing prompt to get your inspiration flowing.. Look for a theme in the prompt and describe it as vividly as possible. To mix things up, add a supernatural element to the story.

Write about a well-meaning person trying to get home in the blink of an eye.

Write it your way and remember the length does not matter here. If you enjoy this kind of thing tell us what you got out of the exercise.

Fiction Prompt Available

Once again, it’s time for a writing prompt to turn into a story. Let the provided outline be a guide and try to hook your reader in. You could also change locations at least once.

Write about a well-meaning person trying to sell something when a threat appears.

Personalize it and don’t worry about whether it will turn out good. If you enjoyed this prompt give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).