Writing Exercise for You to Do

Here is a new writing prompt to get inspired by. Find your focus in the character or situation and let it play out as you write. You could even write it as song lyrics.

Write about a genius discovering love when everything goes horribly wrong.

Again, just use whatever works for you in the prompt. If you like this prompt give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

Story Idea to Get Inspired By

Here is a new story prompt to be interpreted by you. Find a common thread in the prompt and try to surprise yourself. Maybe use an all knowing narrator.

Write about an old woman spinning tall tales during some kind of interview.

Personalize it and you are only bound by the rules you set for yourself. If you thought this was interesting, give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

Prompt to Attempt!

Once more, here is a new writing prompt meant to train your storytelling skills. Let the provided outline be a guide and make it relateable. For extra credit, leave it on a cliffhanger.

Write about a collector of something breaking a cycle or pattern in the desert.

But keep in mind that it’s all about experimenting. If you enjoy this kind of thing please do share your thoughts.

Prompt to Hone Your Skills On

Get ready for a new writing prompt meant to get your inspiration flowing. Pick one or more elements from the outline and let it play out as you write. To take it a step further, use an all knowing narrator.

Write about an old man trying to sell something when a threat appears.

Remember, don’t censor yourself when doing writing exercises. If you thought this was interesting, we’d love it if you share your thoughts in a comment.