New Story Prompt to Attempt

Prepare yourself for a new writing prompt to turn into a story. Expand on the scene that’s presented and go from there. For an additional challenge, write it in third person.

Write about an investigator getting sick at a resort.

And don’t worry about whether it will turn out good. If this made you want to write share what you got out of this writing prompt.

Writing Exercise Posted!

Check out the latest writing prompt for you to interpret. Look for a theme in the prompt and go from there. If you feel up for it, switch between characters.

Write about an introvert confessing to something on the Internet.

Write it your way and don’t worry about impressing anyone with your writing here. If you want, tell your friends about it too.

Exercise to Attempt!

Once more, here is a new writing prompt to challenge your writing skills. Look for a theme in the prompt and examine the consequences. To give it a twist, write it in third person.

Write about a selfish person sharing a secret in the wilderness.

Finally, remember there really are no rules in writing. If you dare, please share your take in the comments.

Story Outline to Complete

Here is a brand new writing prompt to ignite a story idea. Build on the elements provided and describe it as vividly as possible. As a twist, you could try to write it as a poem.

Write about someone trying too hard taking a leap of faith at a public event.

Finally, you are only bound by the rules you set for yourself. If you want, please share your take in the comments.