Writing Prompt to Inspire You

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt to challenge your writing skills. Go from where the prompt takes you and make it relateable. You can write it as a dialogue between characters.

Write about someone trying too hard looking for justice in the wilderness.

Write it your way and don’t be too critical of yourself when doing an exercise. If you enjoyed this prompt tell us what you think in a comment.

Story Prompt for You to Do

Check out the newest creative writing prompt for you to sharpen your writing skills on. Build on the scene that is presented and try to surprise yourself. As an additional twist write it as a haiku.

Write about someone trying too hard witnessing a crime while at work.

Remember, let the action take you where it wants to go. If you dare, we’d love it if you share your thoughts in a comment.

Exercise to Write Out!

Here is a new story prompt for you to sharpen your writing skills on. Find your focus in the character or situation and don’t edit as you go. For extra credit, change locations at least once.

Write about an animal looking for clues to a mystery in a small town.

But keep in mind that it’s all about experimenting. Should you feel so inclined, share your story or feedback in the comments.

Writing Experiment to Hone Your Skills On

Come get a fresh, new writing prompt to be interpreted by you. Expand on the prompt elements and continue the action from there. To take it a step further, change locations at least once.

Write about a public servant facing off against an old enemy in a cabin deep in the woods.

Again, let the action take you where it wants to go. If you want, please do share your thoughts.