Writing Prompt to Test Your Creativity

I am happy to share a new writing prompt for you to expand on. Expand on the scene that’s presented and choose a path from there. To mix things up, switch between characters.

Write about someone of considerable influence trying to sell something in a cell.

Finally, ignore what doesn’t work for you. And while we’re at it give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

Story for Your Inspiration

Prepare yourself for a new writing prompt for you to run with. Let the provided outline be a guide and add details to flesh it out. If you feel like it, leave the reader guessing at the end.

Write about a middeaged man looking for revenge while at work.

Finally, it’s supposed to be fun. Should you feel so inclined, tell us what you got out of the exercise.

New Story Outline to Write Out

A new writing prompt to dive into. Find your focus in the character or situation and try to hook your reader in. To mix things up, include an action sequence.

Write about a couple hatching a plan while traveling fast.

Write it your way and remember there really are no rules in writing. If you enjoyed this prompt share your story or feedback in the comments.

Creative Prompt to Inspire You

It’s time for a fresh writing prompt to be interpreted by you. Find a common thread in the prompt and choose a path from there. To give it a twist, leave it on a cliffhanger.

Write about someone with ulterior motives making a life and death decision at a party.

But remember the length does not matter here. If this made you want to write give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).