Creative Prompt to Try!

It is time for a new writing prompt for you to sharpen your writing skills on. Build a scene in your head and go from there and don’t edit as you go. Additionally, try to write it as a poem.

Write about an unlucky person stealing something on the Internet.

But save editing for after you’re done. If you have suggestions for us, make sure you check out the WriMuse app for iOS (link in the sidebar).

New Prompt for You to Do

Check out the latest writing prompt meant to get your inspiration flowing. Build on the scene that is presented and try to hook your reader in. To give it a twist, change locations at least once.

Write about a crude person spinning tall tales in an alternate timeline.

Write it your way and don’t censor yourself when doing writing exercises. And share your story or feedback in the comments.

New Experiment to Conquer

Here comes a new creative writing prompt as a storytelling exercise. Build on the scene that is presented and add details to flesh it out. For an additional restraint, write it as a haiku.

Write about a middeaged man making a life and death decision in the middle of nowhere.

Finally, keep in mind that it’s all about experimenting. If you enjoyed this prompt make sure you check out the WriMuse app for iOS (link in the sidebar).

New Creative Writing Prompt to Try

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt to turn into a story. Focus on the character, situation or location and make it relateable. Do switch between characters.

Write about an intuitive person risking everything for a stranger at a convention.

And ignore what doesn’t work for you. If you like this prompt you can also find us on twitter, as @wrimuse.