Prompt to Complete!

It’s time for a fresh writing prompt to get your inspiration flowing.. Expand on the scene that pops into your head and let one word take the next. If you feel up for it, write it in a lighthearted tone.

Write about a young man being chased at a convention.

Please don’t worry about whether it will turn out good. If you thought this was interesting, we’d love it if you share your thoughts in a comment.

Story Idea to Kill Writer’s Block

It’s time for another writing prompt for all you writers out there. Expand on the scene that pops into your head and go from there. You could also write it in third person.

Write about a polite person breaking a cycle or pattern on a ship.

Personalize it and write freely, and don’t worry about editing. If you enjoy this kind of thing share what you got out of this writing prompt.

New Experiment to Flesh Out

Once again, it’s time for a writing prompt meant to get your inspiration flowing. Expand on the prompt elements and examine the character’s motivation. Furthermore, play with the reader’s preconceptions.

Write about yourself looking for something to eat at a public event.

As always, this is just for fun,. And give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

Exercise for You to Do!

It’s time for another writing prompt for all you writers out there. Expand on the story outlined below and examine the character’s motivation. To add a twist, write it as a haiku.

Write about some kind of extremist breaking a cycle or pattern in the desert.

Again, don’t censor yourself when doing writing exercises. If you want, give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).