Prompt Exercise for Your Inspiration

Check out the newest creative writing prompt to seek inspiration from. Build a story from this prompt and go from there. To give it a twist, avoid using any adjectives.

Write about an intuitive person talking their way out of something after much careful planning.

Write it your way and remember there is no wrong way to interpret a writing prompt. And tell us what you got out of the exercise.

Story Idea to Flesh Out!

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt as a storytelling exercise. Pick the first scene that comes to mind and go from there. To take it a step further, make it into a dream sequence.

Write about someone tough committing a crime when a threat appears.

Write it your way and this is just for fun,. And while we’re at it give us a shoutout here or on twitter (@wrimuse).

New Story Outline to Try

Check out this creative writing prompt to ignite a story idea. Build on the scene that is presented and try to surprise yourself. Furthermore, make it into a dream sequence.

Write about a hopeless dreamer encountering a monster during a social event.

As always, remember there is no wrong way to interpret a writing prompt. If you enjoyed this prompt tell us what you think in a comment.

New Creative Writing Prompt to Conquer

Check out this creative writing prompt to get inspired by. Build on the elements provided and keep asking what happens next. To take it a step further, write it as a movie script.

Write about a selfish person getting in a fight during a natural disaster.

But don’t be too critical of yourself when doing an exercise. And while we’re at it please do share your thoughts.