Story Outline to Complete

Welcome to a new creative writing prompt for you to find the story in. Find a common thread in the prompt and examine the character’s motivation. Also, write it all as a first person narrative.

Write about a public servant trying to sell something at a convention.

Write it your way and don’t censor yourself when doing writing exercises. Do share suggestions and we’d love it if you share your thoughts in a comment.

Creative Writing Prompt to Tackle

Come get a fresh, new writing prompt to seek inspiration from. Find a common thread in the prompt and let your words flow. Maybe turn a stereotype upside down.

Write about an old man giving the speech of a lifetime in a shelter.

But keep in mind that it’s all about experimenting. If this made you want to write share your story or feedback in the comments.

New Story for You!

It’s time for another writing prompt as a storytelling exercise. Find a common thread in the prompt and examine the character’s motivation. You can avoid using any adjectives.

Write about an intoxicated person trying to get home in a cell.

Personalize it and you are only bound by the rules you set for yourself. If you dare, feel free to leave a comment.

New Exercise to Test Your Creativity

This is a writing prompt to dive into. Let the outline be your starting point and just keep writing. You can write it all as a first person narrative.

Write about an old woman facing their past when luck strikes.

Remember, don’t listen to the inner critic while writing. If you want, share your story or feedback in the comments.