Prompt for You to Do!

Check out this creative writing prompt for you to expand on. Pick what appeals to you the most in the prompt and examine the character’s motivation. For an additional restraint, try switching narrator half-way through.

Write about an unlucky person making a career move as hope runs out.

Please don’t worry about genre or style. If you want, tell your friends about it too.

Writing Prompt for You to Do

Get ready for a new writing prompt to get inspired by. Find a common thread in the prompt and don’t edit as you go. Additionally, turn a stereotype upside down.

Write about someone of questionable morals pondering a mystery in a cell.

As always, don’t worry about impressing anyone with your writing here. Do share suggestions and please share your take in the comments.

Prompt Exercise for Your Imagination

Get creative with a story prompt for you to run with. Build a story from this prompt and describe it as vividly as possible. You could even leave it on a cliffhanger.

Write about a highly ambitious person confessing to something in the face of disaster.

Write it your way and save editing for after you’re done. If you thought this was interesting, tell us what you think in a comment.

Prompt Exercise to Complete

Check out the newest creative writing prompt to turn into a story. Build on the elements provided and examine the character’s motivation. To give it a twist, write it as a dialogue between characters.

Write about an intoxicated person confessing to something in a restaurant.

Make it your own and let the action take you where it wants to go. If you feel inspired feel free to leave a comment.